

Considering our participation in the monthly FIFA11 Tourney we participated in over the weekend, it’s about time we included this FIFA12 released a couple weeks ago. Here’s some of the highlights.

:01 – The first clip is a pack of urban youths chasing a dog who has stole their ball. This may or may not be a mini-game in FIFA13

:03 – A generally irresponsible parent who looks a bit like Javier Pastore simultaneously playing FIFA late at night while creating his child’s future development of ADHD.

:04 – Digital Karim Benzema does something he has never done in an actual game: get around Gerard Pique.

:07 – Gerard Pique does something he has done quite often: yelling at children while upsetting medical professionals.

:10 – Token slo-mo shot of old guys heading the ball in the rain. 

:17 – Another urban youth clip completely unassociated with video games. This time kids watching a dusty game from a rooftop. 

:18 – Inter Milan segment cutting to an Interista bar celebrating signing Pazzini (judging from the Gazzetta stapled to the wall).

:22 – An unmotivated, adult Boca Juniors fan still living with his parents shows his overbearing father a symbolic yellow card in the form of a bread roll. This actually isn’t an advert clip, it’s a documentary on dinner in Buenos Aires.

:31 – Giant Rooney’s giant hairplugs scare the shit out of a tiny keeper.

:40 – Our narrator gets carted off by several players. The funniest being that they chose Mexes to represent Milan. If it were reality, he would have missed the stretcher when he went down to grab it. 

:53 – The Rooney bike vs. City to wrap things up.

Eurogamer released a list of the sterile improvements made for FIFA12, however, we are keen to see several more dramatic changes. Check back for our recommendations to EA Sports on how FIFA can eclipse PES in terms of gameplay.